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- From: dkettler@ix.netcom.com(Bruce Daniel Kettler)
- Newsgroups: alt.paranormal,alt.paranet.psi,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.out.of.body,alt.astrology
- Subject: Re: "SKEPTICS" What they do, and why. (revised 5/26) 3 of 3
- Date: 20 Jun 1996 21:44:40 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 65
- Message-ID: <4qcgo8$n8g@dfw-ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4o9s97$9jp@sjx-ixn2.ix.netcom.com> <4oinai$hq@alterdial.UU.NET> <4pb30k$nd6@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca> <4pfgf4$f0q@news0-alterdial.uu.net> <4pk65p$2lv@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca> <4pn11t$9df@news0-alterdial.uu.net> <4pnatl$3re@sjx-ixn3.ix.netcom.com> <4pnhit$6nv@netaxs.com> <4po4lf$2sj@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4q7l38$q65@james.freenet.hamilton.on.ca> <4qc6aa$ifd@news0-alterdial.uu.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: den-co9-18.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Thu Jun 20 4:44:40 PM CDT 1996
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranormal:19783 alt.paranet.psi:5503 alt.alien.visitors:88675 alt.paranet.ufo:53955 alt.astrology:51019
- In <4qc6aa$ifd@news0-alterdial.uu.net> twitch@hub.ofthe.net writes:
- >
- >Since I received Bruce's email, I have not posted a single article
- >which in my interpretation could be considered an attack. If I
- >remembre correctly, I only even answered one article by Bruce. I have
- >held up my end of the agreement. I did publish several articles in
- >which I said that I assumed that this was published prior to the
- >agreement and would not respond.
- >
- >I have no knowledge of what Bruce is referring to when he states that
- >I have continued to attack. But he is incorrect.
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Timing, timing, is so important here. If I wrote that, it was at a
- different time, a time before. It can be ignored.
- (BDK)
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- >
- >As Charles is a witness, in my emails to him, I have referred to Bruce
- >as Bruce, not the ostrich. I intend to continue to hold up my end.
- >If Bruce does not feel bound by his agreement, so be it. I will
- >merely ask Charles to continue to attempt to act as intermediary and
- >will not respond in an attacking fashion.
- >
- >This does not stop me from disagreeing with Bruce nor responding to
- >his articles. I still adamantly disagree with the concept that
- >alt.paranormal should be a private preserve for believers and I shall
- >still ask for evidence.
- >
- >Enjoy.
- >
- >Twitch
- >
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- (from BDK)
- Well, certainly, I always feel that disagreements are in perfect order.
- Well, I did ask for people to tell how they felt about that issue,
- Twitch. Steve Reiser, sir@srv.net, is not the only one who feels
- certain ways about the issue.
- You can look at the postings of so many people who are tired of reading
- "anti-paranormal" things, examine how many people signed that little
- petition I wrote, and all that is in the USENET ARCHIVES.
- As one example, to find out what people think, writing a posting like
- this, and then asking people to post, those who frequent alt.paranormal
- and similar newsgroups, as PRO (not ANTI), about how they feel about
- the presence of ANTI postings from the "skeptics."
- I made a suggestion in 2 parts. It did not advocate banning "skeptics"
- from alt.paranormal. I suggested that "skeptics" find a way to voice
- their opinions on alt.paranormal in a way that doesn't set so many
- people off.
- Wording on the SUBJECT is something like:
- It was in 2 parts.
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++